What It Is?
Generally, science is a discipline that related directly with our daily life. It is not a separated knowledge. It emphasizes on gaining experiences, knowledge and skills with systematically.
Generally, science is a discipline that related directly with our daily life. It is not a separated knowledge. It emphasizes on gaining experiences, knowledge and skills with systematically.
As other country do, Malaysia Science Curriculum also emphasizing in foundation of basic skills and then basic skills. There are six basic process skills which introduced at the early age of kids. The skills are:
a. Observing
b. Communication
c. Classification
d. Measurement
e. Inference
f. Prediction.
These skills are systematically planned and arranged regarding on the ability of kid's age.
What will be next?
After the kids are able to master the six basic process skills, then they will introduce and emphasize on five basic manipulative skills which are as following.
After the kids are able to master the six basic process skills, then they will introduce and emphasize on five basic manipulative skills which are as following.
1. Use and handle science apparatus and substances
To know which appropriate instrument to use in certain situation and know how to read the scale on the instrument that is being used
2. Handle specimens correctly and carefully
- Take only necessary plants to the lab
- Return specimens to its original place
- Do not handle poisonous plants
- Place small animals in petri dishes
- If still alive, release them
3. Drawing specimens ,apparatus
Guidelines in drawing :
Use pencil and unlined paper
Draw it large so that important details can be seen easily
Draw on the left side, labels on the right side
Labels one under the other
Use ruler to draw lines for labeling, do not cross line
No shade or colour
Title at the top
4. Cleaning science apparatus
*Clean all apparatus properly and carefully
*Make sure the right cleaning method
*For extra dirty glassware, soak overnight
*Clean and dry all apparatus before storing
5. Storing science apparatus
*Return all apparatus to its original location
*Make sure all apparatus are dry before storing
*Follow storing procedures
Hence, as an educator, we must realize and should know what are needed by our kids.
Bahagian Pendidikan Kurikulum Malaysia, http://www. moe.gov.my/bpk
Longwood-Teaching The Science Process Skills: http://www.longwood.edu/cleanva/images/sec6.processskills.pdf
Sharifah, Alam Sains: Manipulative Skills: http://alamsains.blogspot.com/2009/10/manipulative-skills.html